Saturday, January 8, 2011

In Which I Plan for the New Year

I know there are reading funks, but does the same thing exist for writing? Or am I just crazy? My answer: probably both.

In December, I took a month-long break from writing. Now, we're over a week in to January and I'm still not writing. I want to write, and I tell myself I am going to write, but I somehow always find something to do to take up that time.

The problem isn't that I am not passionate about what I am writing, because I am. And if I wasn't, I have so many other I ideas I could work on. What I think it is is that I became so accustomed to not writing, that I forgot how to make myself do it.

So here is the plan. I'm going to outline Slice. And then I'm going to start writing every day again. One of my new years resolutions this year is to write three first drafts. That means that besides the one for NaNo, I'll have to write two books. I think I might even write more since I really want to write Charmed.

First up is Slice, then me and Jackie are going to be starting LitW, then maybe something else before NaNo. Or maybe I will leave that "something else" time to edit. Since I never find time to do that. Oh, and I have to write Delicats soon. Karen deserves it.

And at some point, I have to polish up Enchant and send it to some betas, then fix the 22495806 problems it is sure to have.


  1. That sounds like all great plans - very flexible. Good luck!

    shhhh don't tell anyone, but I started a little writing of my own for the first time. I had ideas in my mind that had to get out. No grand plans, but I have at least put my toe in the water and it wasn't too cold.

  2. I think it's a little, actually A LOT, like exercise. If I take a long break from running, the first week back is murder. SAme with writing. As much as I'd like to believe it's muses and inspiration -- I think it's more discipline and kind of mucking through at times.

    GOOD LUCK!! You'll get back on track.

  3. With me and my WIP, Viewfinder, I have really great ideas and I've written a lot, but the dialogue just kills me...MY New Year's resolution is to really sharpen the dialogue in m novel... =)

  4. i'm just trying to finish mine. i am so close and i really can not wait to get it done. congrats on winning nanowrimo, i tried, i really did. lol.

  5. I don't know how you can take a break from writing. Most writers get sick at the though of not being able to write.
    But your idea on how to get back on track seems great! I hope it works out for you!!

    Hey if you have time please check out my blog at


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