Sunday, November 6, 2011

NaNoWriMo: Day 6

I got stuff done today! Score! I didn't write as many words as I was hoping to today, but I can make up for it tomorrow, since I have the whole day to myself.

I used Write or Die today, and wrote in one hundred word sections, then copied and pasted the words into my Word file. It worked really well and helped push me forward without overwhelming me.

I am in the middle of writing a really beautiful scene in Charmed right now, and so far the book is going great. It's definitely not as bad as my NaNo last year, which we won't ever mention again. Okay, that's probably a lie, but it's whatever.

Words written today: 1850
Total word count: 7104

1 comment:

Thank you for helping me reach my dreams!

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